Explore some of the most beautiful beaches on Cape Cod

Beach Parking Passes are available at the Wings Inn Front Desk. Barnstable requires passes year round and Sandwich starts June 23 through mid September
MWR is fortunate enough to receive free beach passes from neighboring towns that are available to lend out on a daily basis. Passes are necessary from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day. These passes save the user on average about $20 per trip in parking fees (access to area beaches themselves is free, but parking is not.) These passes are issued Monday-Friday 9am-3pm; Saturdays 8am-12pm at the Wings Inn Front Desk (note: passes out Monday-Thursday are due back the following morning by 9am while passes signed out on Friday OR Saturday are all due back by Monday at 9am – and pass availability on Saturdays is strictly dependent on how many passes were issued on Fridays).
Patrons wishing to use this program will sign a one-time agreement for the summer that includes personal contact information as well as their military unit information so we can maintain the integrity of this program (you will get phone calls if your pass is returned late and if we cannot reach you to arrange the return of the pass your command may be contacted) and this office will keep a log of passes borrowed and returned.