We have tickets Disney, Universal, Legoland, theme parks, and more!
MWR Ticket Office
MWR Admin Office
5205 Ent Street
Buzzards Bay, MA 02542
Phone: 508-968-6689
Hours of Operation
Book an appointment with Sarah Weisberg and buy your tickets. Contact Sarah Weisberg sarah.f.weisberg@uscg.mil or at 508-968-6689 with any questions.
More Than Disney!

Armed Forces Travel is a FREE membership club open to active duty, guard, reserve and retired members of the Armed Forces. AFT provides access to Space-A resort rentals worldwide for just $349* per week – that’s per unit which sleeps 2-8! Forget cramped quarters! Spread out in family-sized resort accommodations, many of which include on-site recreational facilities, living rooms, full kitchen, washer and dryer, kids activities and on-site pools!
This local MWR/ITT Office receives a rebate for every confirmed vacation. If you are interested in using the Armed Forces Travel, go to their website, https://www.americanforcestravel.com/ and please use “Coast Guard” as the Branch and “Coast Guard-MA-USCG Air Station, Cape Cod” as the Installation so our base is given credit for referring you. Their phone number is 800-724-9988.